Heritage Lodge received the following letter from the Treasurer of 46th Greenwich (St Nicholas) Scout Group Paul M Holmes (also our JD) as a response to our contribution to their re-roofing project.
Secretary's Spot - March 2017
A new year already nearly three months gone and we are now looking forward to our Installation meeting In March.
January’s meeting was dedicated to a further lecture from W.Bro. Ray Hudson who left us all in ore and mindful that we all had much more to learn from his excellent delivery of ‘So you think you know about Freemasonry – Part 2)!
Heritage Lodge Supporting Little Buds Fund

Heritage Lodge is proud to support the Little Buds Fund which raises money for special care babies. All money raised goes to supporting babies who need that little bit of extra help when they are born.
Secretary's Spot - Christmas 2016
Another year nearly gone! – Where do they go?
It has been busy period for the Lodge with our usual four regular meetings, change of Master, a 60 year citation, a visit by our APGM, a superb lecture and our LOI supper (See article & photos).
We are all now looking forward to an even busier 2017 being the Tercentenary year of Freemasonry with lots of events both nationally and locally.
Veronica's Auction
Just as I was getting ready to leave home for our regular meeting, my 4 years old daughter asked me where I was going. Instead of confusing her with the intricacies of the Sq and Cs, I decided to explain the charity we have chosen to support this year: The TLC Teddy Bear Appeal.
I talked about what this charity is trying to do. We then visited their website (www.tlcappeal.org). I definitely recommend visiting the Gallery pages if you haven’t seen those before. Photos of those children and the hospital staff definitely put the whole idea into perspective.
Heritage Lodge LOI Supper 2016
The Lodge held it’s now traditional annual event, an LOI Supper for Masons and non-masonic guests on 7th December 2016 at Oakley House under the Presidency of The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ozan Seymen.
Heritage Lodge Supporting the TLC Appeal

Heritage Lodge is proud to support The TLC Teddy Bear Appeal as the Master’s chosen charity for the year 2016/2017.
60 Years and Going Strong
On 28th November 2015 Heritage Lodge no. 5572 held their regular meeting at Oakley House at which W.Bro. Albert O’Shea P.G.Std.Br., L.G.R. was presented with a 60 Year Citation by The Province of West Kent as recognition of him being a Freemason since November 1955.
The Presentation was carried out by W.Bro. Keith Fairweather P.S.G.D., A.P.G.M accompanied by W.Bro. Phillip May P.J.G.D., A.P.G.M. and the Citation read by W. Bro. E. Webb P.Pr.S.G.W.
Secretary's Spot - November 2016
At long last I have now managed to get around to promoting our new website following the hard work that our now current WM, Ozan Seymen has already put in to set it up and put us ‘on line’.
Firstly can I allay any fears that some of the Brethren may have in using this type of social media to advertise and promote our fraternity. The site has been set up in close consultation with both the rules laid down by UGLE and assistance from our own Province and will not contain any masonic or personal data that is not already available to the world in general from other sources.
Presentation of Coins from Evrim Lodge No 130 of Turkey
These commemorative coins were presented to Worshipful Master of Heritage Lodge on 24th November 2012 by Worshipful Master of Evrim Lodge No 130 under the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Turkey in recognition of his visit to the lodge to witness the Raising of his son.