
Members of the Heritage Lodge of Instruction, partners and guests enjoyed a traditional festive dinner, carols, a Christmas table quiz and some silly party games at Oakley House on the evening of the 10th December 2019.

Thirty-one diners took part including several non-masons, some attending such an event for the very first time which also raised £130 towards The Master’s List.

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The Festive season is here once more and time to reflect on yet another year passing.

For Heritage Lodge it has been another busy year even without a new candidate we have tried to keep our ritual in tip top condition whilst undertaking some new ideas at our regular meetings.

We have all experienced the continuing uncertainty that is the dreaded ‘B’ word and with it a growing level of anger and frustration which has grown out of the consequence of different opinions on a country wide scale.

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Worshipful Master’s response to the toast proposed by W.Bro Albert O’Shea PGStB

I would like to thank Albert for proposing the toast which I greatly appreciate. I would also like to express my thanks to Albert for proposing me into freemasonry in January 2011. Following my initiation my journey through the various offices of the lodge culminated, on the 24th March 2018 in me being installed as the 82nd Worshipful Master of Heritage Lodge, a true privilege and honour. However any aspirations to achieve what W.Bro Albert has achieved will be truly impossible, as to receive my 60th year citation in freemasonry as Brother Albert recently, I would have to live to be 122 years old. Even with all of the current advances in modern science and medicine, this will be a step too far. At our meeting next Saturday Bro Murat Turan will be installed as Master and I wish him a successful and enjoyable year. The following year will be very special for me personally as my very good friend Steve Ratcliff will be installed as the 84th Master.

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Heritage Lodge No. 5572

Announce and read Citation

Notes on W.Bro. Bob Leck for 60 year citation (adapted from notes on his 50 year citation meeting 24.11.12.)

Bob was initiated into Freemasonry in 1956 joining Greenock Kilwinney Lodge no.12 under the Scottish Constitution.

Bob served as a Steward and I.G. before moving South in 1960 working for Camden Council as a Parks Superintendant.

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It has been a busy year for me not only in Masonic terms but work wise as well and I apologise for not always being able to be at LOI on the several occasions that I found myself nearer Coventry than Bromley!

That aside we started the year well and Paul took the Chair over from Andrew in March following which he conducted two ceremonies very well over-coming I believe, even his own apprehensions in respect of the responsibility of being Master.

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After just over seven years as a member of Heritage Lodge, on Saturday 24 th March 2018 I was installed into the Chair of King Solomon, and am now… the Worshipful Master of Heritage Lodge, 5572.

It was a very enjoyable ceremony, and was as most people say, the culmination of my masonic journey to date, to be made Worshipful Master of my mother lodge.

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By W.Bro. Tony Saunders P. Prov. S.G.D. LGR – Secretary & 62nd Master of Heritage Lodge (1997)

This is the third in a series of articles using information abstracted from a bound book ‘Our Heritage’ written by one of our Founders L. H. Powell.

In this section I summarise how the Lodge emerged from the ‘Dark War Years’ and marched forward, forming a Royal Arch Chapter, starting a Lodge of Instruction and returning ‘Home’.

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By W.Bro. Tony Saunders P. Prov. S.G.D. LGR – Secretary & 62nd Master of Heritage Lodge (1997)

This is the fourth in a series of articles using information abstracted from a bound book ‘Our Heritage’ written by one of our Founders L. H. Powell.

In this section I use the last of the information contained in W.Bro. L.H. Powell’s printed book which briefly mentions the 1950s and hereafter will need to refer to the various minute books and records in my possession to continue the series up to date which may take a little longer as the minutes were still hand written at this time and often difficult to read!

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By W.Bro. Tony Saunders P. Prov. S.G.D. LGR – Secretary & 62nd Master of Heritage Lodge (1997)

This is the second in a series of articles using information abstracted from a bound book ‘Our Heritage’ written by one of our Founders L. H. Powell.

In this section I summarise how the Lodge moved on from its consecration in 1935, through the ‘dark war years’ and into the light once more.

In researching this section, I found reference to a library of some 100+ books kept by Heritage Lodge at this time which I believe may have been passed to another Lodge at Bromley for safe keeping and intend to pursue finding these as part of this work.

If any Brother has any further information on this I would be pleased to receive it and will report in further issues as to the progress of uncovering these books.

I would dearly like to start a usable Library for the benefit of the Brethren using such information which could be added to for future generations.

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Amidst Union Jack bunting and flags Heritage lodge held it’s first charity ‘Cockney Night’ at The Oakley House Banqueting Suite on Saturday 2nd December and the 70 who attended were treated to a most enjoyable evening of entertainment listening and singing along to many old favourite London songs.

Specialist show band ‘Cockney Pride’ kept the audience singing, dancing and swaying to music and musical comedy fronted by their own Pearly Queen who received a standing ovation to her rendition as Nancy of ‘as long as he needs me’ from Lionel Bart’s hit musical ‘Oliver’.

The band also treated us to an explanation of the ‘Cockney Alphabet’ and were well received overall for their very professional delivery and entertainment value.

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