
Heritage Lodge of Instruction - Christmas Supper 2019

Members of the Heritage Lodge of Instruction, partners and guests enjoyed a traditional festive dinner, carols, a Christmas table quiz and some silly party games at Oakley House on the evening of the 10th December 2019.

Thirty-one diners took part including several non-masons, some attending such an event for the very first time which also raised £130 towards The Master’s List.

The Members of the Lodge of Instruction send a hearty thank you to all those who took part both for their generosity and being such good sports by joining in and generally making the evening a success.

The Members would also like to thank Heather and her team at Oakley House for the lovely way in which both the room and the meal was presented.

We have captured the sense of fun and enjoyment in the attached photograph during a game involving drawing a simple Christmas scene on a paper plate but in a slightly unusual position!!

The idea was to draw a Christmas Tree with a star on top, decorations and a present beneath together with a fireplace, mantlepiece and stocking hanging from it.

Points were gained by correctly positioning the parts and each plate was scored by another guest against a predetermined score sheet.

In some cases, this was made more difficult as scorers had to firstly identify the basic difference between was supposed to be a Christmas Tree and a fireplace!!! (try it at home – it is not easy)

It proved a great leveller and a great deal of fun resulting in one outright winner who took away a small festive prize even though the winning drawing still somewhat resemble more like a ‘road traffic accident’ than a quaint Christmas Scene!!!!

Our thanks also to Richard O’Shea for playing the organ to accompany some Traditional Christmas Carol singing and to my Wife Anne for running the raffle and acting as Treasurer and chief money extractor!!

We hope to do it all again next year and until then thank you once again to all those who turned out on a damp and dreary December night.

PS – if any members or guests have any further photos to share please forward them to me and we will post them on!