
Worshipful Master's Response - Ladies Night 2019

Worshipful Master’s response to the toast proposed by W.Bro Albert O’Shea PGStB

I would like to thank Albert for proposing the toast which I greatly appreciate. I would also like to express my thanks to Albert for proposing me into freemasonry in January 2011. Following my initiation my journey through the various offices of the lodge culminated, on the 24th March 2018 in me being installed as the 82nd Worshipful Master of Heritage Lodge, a true privilege and honour. However any aspirations to achieve what W.Bro Albert has achieved will be truly impossible, as to receive my 60th year citation in freemasonry as Brother Albert recently, I would have to live to be 122 years old. Even with all of the current advances in modern science and medicine, this will be a step too far. At our meeting next Saturday Bro Murat Turan will be installed as Master and I wish him a successful and enjoyable year. The following year will be very special for me personally as my very good friend Steve Ratcliff will be installed as the 84th Master.

I would like to thank all of you for attending this evening and for supporting us with our fundraising efforts. My nominated charity is The Evelina Children’s Hospital at St Thomas’s where my daughter Ella is a staff nurse.

My thanks to Albert for the rendition of the Ladies Song, which is something Kelly was really looking forward to, particularly her part in standing up to give a response. My wife has spoken some very kind words about me this evening which almost made me unrecognisable, .. only kidding.

Finally thank you all again for coming and I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening. Just to let you know that you have raised a fantastic £550.

W.Bro Albert O’SheaPGStB

Here’s W.Bro Paul Holmes presenting the cheque to his daughter Ella Holmes at the Evelina Childrens hospital.