
Secretary's Spot - Christmas Message 2019

The Festive season is here once more and time to reflect on yet another year passing.

For Heritage Lodge it has been another busy year even without a new candidate we have tried to keep our ritual in tip top condition whilst undertaking some new ideas at our regular meetings.

We have all experienced the continuing uncertainty that is the dreaded ‘B’ word and with it a growing level of anger and frustration which has grown out of the consequence of different opinions on a country wide scale.

It is therefore even more important that we as Masons hold true to our principles and unite in one common goal ‘to be happy and to spread happiness’.

At this festive time therefore and as in previous years I commend you all to put these principles in action and seek to spread a little happiness wherever possible. A friendly chat with a neighbour, a simple card or Christmas message to someone who might not otherwise generally be afforded such a caring gesture would, I no doubt be well received in an otherwise harsh and un-caring world.

Let us as Masons lead by example and if we can make just one person smile by our own actions it may just promote others to follow.

Charity being an important part of our work comes in many forms and a charitable act can often be more valuable than just donating money.

When I was a Venture Scout many years ago, we used to visit care homes at Christmas and sing carols (very badly I hasten to say!) but we always got a smile and a chance to have a nice cup of tea or something stronger with old folk who joined in and made the whole experience worthwhile.

As with all Venture Scouting activities this was often followed by a visit to the nearest ale house which usually served to enhance our own comradeship whilst reflecting on the night’s activities.

This type of simple act of caring within our community and showing that we cared is, in my opinion as good if not better than just blindly donating a few coins into a charity box.

As Scouts we were also fulfilling the commitment of our promise which was and continues to be ‘to do your best’!

In any charity work or act of donation this ideal should still hold true – we do ‘our best’ and this is part of our Masonic ritual when being initiated into the Fraternity. ‘Whatever you are able to donate will be gratefully received and faithfully applied’.

So, Brethren of Heritage Lodge whatever you can donate be it money and / or an act of kindness at this festive time ‘Do your Best’!

I wish you and your Family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kind, Fraternal & Sincere Wishes
Tony Saunders