
Secretary's Spot - Christmas Message 2018

It has been a busy year for me not only in Masonic terms but work wise as well and I apologise for not always being able to be at LOI on the several occasions that I found myself nearer Coventry than Bromley!

That aside we started the year well and Paul took the Chair over from Andrew in March following which he conducted two ceremonies very well over-coming I believe, even his own apprehensions in respect of the responsibility of being Master.

We are going to rest him up in January with a lecture before working towards the Installation in March.

We can also announce that a one evening Ladies Night is being arranged for 16 th March 2019 and this will make a superb ending to Paul’s year in the Chair. Keep watching for further notices on this after xmas.

We sadly lost this year W.Bro. Eric Furze to The Grand Lodge above and the Lodge was well represented at his Funeral.

We also have some of our elder Brethren who are not in as good health as we would like and a few more have been added to the Country List as a result. This has obvious consequences for our finances and W.Bro. Alex has done a fine job in carefully analysing the numbers and adjusted one or two things to assist whilst we have an in-balance of membership which I have no doubt will correct in time as we have been in this position before.

Christmas is a good time for reflection and I am reminded that of course it was initially a Pagan Festival in celebration of the Winter Solstice.

The Christmas tree flows from this event as it was a tradition to cut down one of the trees in the forest and bring it inside to shelter the ‘Sprites’ or mystic creatures of the forest from the harshness of Winter. The additional of colourful decorations also assisted in brightening up a dull period of the year whist waiting for spring time to come around once again.

I take inspiration here to remind us all of the opportunity to extend Charity and Consolation to those less fortunate than ourselves at this Festive time.

The Lodge sent out our usual donations to our appointed Charities following our November meeting and Cards and gifts are being posted out this week to our Widows.

As in previous years however I have used this spot to promote a little further consideration to those closest to us in the form of a chance telephone call or drop by call to a friend or neighbour who might appreciate a little company and / or chat, particularly if their own Family may not be as close or accessible.

This year however I ask each of you maybe to extend this to our own Brethren on whom Andrew & I have reported on as above who I am sure would love to hear from you for a chat and to keep in touch with what is going on with the Lodge and your own Families.

I am not a great fan of social media but I have to agree from my own experience of my (well actually Anne’s !!) participation it has been useful to keep in contact with our Family down in darkest Devon.

On the down side I heard on the radio just this morning of restaurants now offering 10% discount if you leave your mobile phone at the desk on arrival!!

Of course if you are reading this off our Website then again, used sensibly the advantages can outweigh the disadvantages.

With this in mind I hope you can all find time to maybe help a ‘Sprite or Brother in need without detriment to ourselves or connections’ and wish you all (and your Families) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tony Saunders