
Our Heritage - Series 4


By W.Bro. Tony Saunders P. Prov. S.G.D. LGR – Secretary & 62nd Master of Heritage Lodge (1997)

This is the fourth in a series of articles using information abstracted from a bound book ‘Our Heritage’ written by one of our Founders L. H. Powell.

In this section I use the last of the information contained in W.Bro. L.H. Powell’s printed book which briefly mentions the 1950s and hereafter will need to refer to the various minute books and records in my possession to continue the series up to date which may take a little longer as the minutes were still hand written at this time and often difficult to read!

Tony Saunders
March 2018

The Light Shines On

Whilst the 1950s had its moments of general happiness, it also had a melancholy side. The Lodge at its meeting on October 28th, 1950 received with real regret the news of the retirement of the then Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro Bryan. Bro. Bryan wrote to all the Secretaries of the Lodges in Kent, expressing his sincere appreciation of the help and assistance extended to him over so many years.

The then WM of the Lodge, Bro. L. G. Leonard, moved a resolution placing on record the gratitude of the Lodge for all that Bro. Bryan had done for Freemasonry in general and in particular, for the ‘kindly help and encouragement that he has always given to Heritage Lodge in particular.

At this point W.Bro. Powell makes a short digression to detail the Lodge’s involvement in forming a Secretaries Association and A Masonic Study Circle. The first being championed by W.Bro. Powell himself and came into being as ‘The Bromley (Kent) Masonic Secretaries Association, meeting three times a year and the second by two selected members of the Lodge being Bro. J. M. Dering and Bro. C. Maddison Roberts, both Past Masters of the Lodge.

As an appended note here by myself I will look up if these two bodies to see if they still exist or if they were incorporated at some later date into some other Masonic organisations bearing in mind that Kent was later split into two separate Provinces.

The Craft suffered another heavy blow in the death on November 26th, 1950 of the Duke of Devonshire, K.G. The Grand Master and when the Lodge met on January 27th, 1951 it was once again in mourning for the third holder of this exalted office to pass away during the comparatively short existence of the Lodge.

In a letter received from Provincial Grand Lodge, read at the Installation meeting held on March 31st 1951, there was also an interesting point of ritual raised in so far as it stated that the Provincial Grand Master did not wish the practice of seating the Initiate at the right of the WM in Lodge to be introduced into Lodges in Kent, the obvious place being the N.E. Part of The Lodge.

It was also intimated that the placing of initiate either with the Master or Immediately after the Wardens in the procession from the Lodge was quite unauthorised. Heritage had adopted both these practices from its inception but in obedience to the Province it now abandoned them.

(interestingly here I think the latter practice still exists? !!!!)

Once again, the meeting held on October 27th, 1951 was over-shadowed by the death of W. Bro. Blay on June 4th who had been Deputy Provincial Grand Master for nineteen years (1927 – 1946) and to whom W.Bro. L. H. Powell’s book was dedicated.

On a happier note however 1951 was a ‘Vintage Year’ for Heritage Lodge in respect of honours with three members being appointed to active ranks.

White gloves were re-introduced, and the Lodge began the fraternal association with Lodges in the Province of Norfolk. W.Bro. Powell recorded that ‘eighteen visitors came by motor coach’ in wintery conditions to the January meeting in 1952 with the last member arriving home at 2am the following day! (and we stop the trains and close schools now at the mere threat of snow!!!!).

On the summons of the Installation meeting held on March 22nd, 1952 the ‘In Memoriam’ panel the Lodge bore witness to the death of H. M. King George VI, past Grand Master and passed the following resolution:

That the lodge places on record its sense of grievous loss which the Country, Commonwealth and Craft have suffered by the death of H. M. King George VI, Past Grand Master and offers H. M. Queen Elizabeth II its loyalty and devotion on her accession to the Throne.

In accordance with the direction of Grand lodge the resolution was recorded in the Minute, but not sent to Buckingham Palace. The Lodge remained in mourning until May.

The rest of 1952 and 1953 passed without further incident but at the meeting held on October 1953 a notable event for the Lodge was recorded in so far as a chain to be worn on the Master’s collar was presented to the Lodge on behalf of the Past Masters by W.Bro. Nickols, Heritage’s first Master.

At the meeting held on October 23rd, 1954 Mr. P. J. Long was initiated by his Father, Bro. F. H. Long being the second of his Sons to be initiated into the Lodge and part of a long progression of Father / Son associations which continued up to the present day (2018).

During this period the Lodge decided to subscribe the amount of Stewardship to each of the Masonic institutions as well as working towards the 1960 Festival.

Other notable events included Bro. J. G. Lovering being appointed P.P.A.G.D.C. and presenting the Lodge with the ‘Blazon Torch’ emblem on a plaque to be placed in front of the WMs pedestal at each meeting (interesting as this now gets placed by the Secretary’s table!!), a presentation of the boxed working tools (still in use) by W. Bro. J. M. Dering together with a miniature of the 3rd Degree Tracing Board, initiation fee increased to 20 guineas and annual fees increased to 4 ½ guineas.

And so therefore the 82nd Meeting of The Lodge held on October 27th, 1956 was closed in peace and harmony and here ended the first 21 years of the Lodge and the end of W.Bro. Powell’s book!

It only remains for me to account for the other 246 meetings held over the next 62 years!!

Watch this space!

Tony Saunders