
Explanation of the Graveside Address

As promised I have detailed below an explanation of ‘The Graveside Address’, a passage which we have added to enhance the 3rd Degree Ceremony which members and others may find interesting.

In some workings i.e., Sussex it is an integral part of the ritual and / or a normal piece added to the Ceremony.

Having heard this on a few occasions when visiting myself I found it to be a haunting poem which led me to research its symbolic meaning.

Having found the explanation below, which when applied to the relevant section of the 3 rd Degree Ceremony, serves to enhance the other peculiar objects of research associated with this section of Freemasonry.

Those of us therefore in our latter years will appreciate some of the comparable meanings at first hand and to those younger Brethren, the joys of things to come!!

I hope you enjoy the explanation and come to appreciate the passage better when you next hear it delivered in Lodge or from simply reading it from below.

You can download the explanation by clicking here.