
Secretary's Spot - Christmas 2016

Another year nearly gone! – Where do they go?

It has been busy period for the Lodge with our usual four regular meetings, change of Master, a 60 year citation, a visit by our APGM, a superb lecture and our LOI supper (See article & photos).

We are all now looking forward to an even busier 2017 being the Tercentenary year of Freemasonry with lots of events both nationally and locally.

With this in mind it seemed a good opportunity at this point to introduce our own events calendar to the website and you will now find a section listing out the Lodge’s planned events so far over 2017. I say ‘so far’ as the newly formed ‘2017 Committee’ are still in the early stages of arranging some events which will be posted when firmer details are available so… ‘Watch this space’!

Christmas is a joyful celebration for most but it can be a lonely time for others, so if I had a message for any Christmas period it would be to look around you and see if you can bring a little joy to someone in need. Sometimes something as simple as a hand delivered card or a phone call to a friend or neighbour over the festive period will bring a smile and some comfort to someone who may not have their own family or friends around them at this time for whatever reason.

There are also several organisations like The Salvation Army who regularly each year spend time and effort to support those less well-off and even if you cannot give some time, a small donation will always help.

These are the principles on which our organisation is founded, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth and Christmas gives us all a good opportunity to put this in to practice.

The Lodge itself has made its normal yearly donations to several well deserving charities at Christmas and sent cards and a small gift to each of its Widows in support of these principles.

The fund towards Our Master’s own appointed charity this year, The TLC Teddies Appeal, is building nicely and he announced at the LOI Supper that we had already exceeded £250 and this was only in the first three Months so we are looking forward to raising a good sum by end of March 2017 when we will arrange to hand over a cheque to the charity at an event to be arranged and posted later.

Details of the TLC Appeal have also been posted on the website so that all that have contributed can see where and how the funds are used to buy Teddy Bears for Hospitals all over the UK. There is also a ‘heart tearing’ article on how our Master’s young Daughter’s own Teddy raised £60! at our last Lodge meeting.

On behalf of the Lodge may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to another successful year in 2017 with your continued support.

Tony Saunders