
Heritage Lodge LOI Supper 2016

The Lodge held it’s now traditional annual event, an LOI Supper for Masons and non-masonic guests on 7th December 2016 at Oakley House under the Presidency of The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ozan Seymen.

The twenty eight who attended enjoyed a festive meal, joined in singing a risky version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ some more traditional Christmas carols with musical accompaniment by a guest, took part in a Christmas quiz and raised £110 in a raffle held in support of the Master’s chosen charity, The TLC Teddy Bear Appeal.

Numbers were a little down this year, mainly due to illness but as the photographs show those who were there had an enjoyable evening and we are all looking forward to next year, which when in our Tercentenary year we are hoping to make it a bigger and more spectacular event!! (watch the up and coming events board for further details).

A big thank you to all those who attended and for their generosity in raising money for the TLC Appeal and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Members of The Heritage Lodge of Instruction

LOI Supper 2016 - Page 1, LOI Supper 2016 - Page 2