
Secretary's Spot - November 2016

At long last I have now managed to get around to promoting our new website following the hard work that our now current WM, Ozan Seymen has already put in to set it up and put us ‘on line’.

Firstly can I allay any fears that some of the Brethren may have in using this type of social media to advertise and promote our fraternity. The site has been set up in close consultation with both the rules laid down by UGLE and assistance from our own Province and will not contain any masonic or personal data that is not already available to the world in general from other sources.

The idea is to use the site to post items of interest to both the Brethren of the Lodge and other Lodges and at the same time making this information available for non-masonic viewers to see the type of activities and articles that interest us Freemasons and hopefully assist in making our organisation more transparent and attractive to potential new members?

For those of you that have ventured onto the site thus far you will find a copy of our Lodge history which was written by W.Bro. Alan Hossack, our former Secretary for our 75th Year Anniversary meeting and gives a brief summary of the ‘who, what and when’ since our consecration in 1935. There is also an article on a presentation of coins to the Lodge from Bro. Murat’s Father who visited us from Turkey when Bro. Murat was initiated into the Lodge in 2014.

It is this type of media that we will be posting together with future events and fundraising events that the Lodge will either be running and / or any member has attended and wishes to ‘tell the tale’ of the experience.

We are also keen to use the site to circulate or make known any books, articles or passages that members have or may have read that may be of interest to others remembering our Lodge Motto ‘Take and pass on’

We are about to enter into an exciting period for Freemasonry as 2017 is our Tercentenary celebration year and there are several events already well advertised nationally which will be taking place over the next few months.

On the ‘Home Front’ however, we are about to form our own committee to organise events for the Lodge during this period and it will be a case of ‘Watch This Space’ once this is underway.

From my own personal viewpoint I am looking forward to adding to the now growing list of Father’s who have both initiated and installed their own Sons into the Lodge when I have the pleasure of installing Andrew in to the Chair in March 2017. However I might not be so keen when we receive the bill for the personal guest list!!

Having therefore set the scene it is now up to the members to take up the challenge and keep us armed with lots of potential input including constructive ideas for improvement if necessary.

If you have any such input then please initially send it to both W.Bro. Ozan and I using the normal channels as we must firstly edit it to ensure it is suitable material to include under the same rules mentioned above.

Happy Writing!

Tony Saunders